Also known as collagen induction therapy, microneedling is a natural procedure that uses fine needles to penetrate to a very controlled depth of the skin to stimulate the body’s normal healing process which in turn increases collagen and elastin production
Nano-needling is an exfoliation and non-invasive transdermal serum delivery system. Nano-needling is very similar to microneedling and treats the same skin conditions but it does not reach past the upper most layer of the skin. Nano-needling has no down time, is pain free, and can be cycled between microneedling treatments for optimal results.
Nano-needling is a great option for anyone looking for a bright glow with no down time or anyone looking to increase their skin’s hydration and smooth the texture of their skin.
- Hyperpigmentation (brown spots and melasma)
- Reduce wrinkles
- Minimize pore size
- Tighten the skin
- Stimulate collagen production
- Can improve the appearance of scars and stretch marks
Both of these treatments can be utilized at any stage of life. These treatments are utilized both as preventative as well as active treatments against signs of aging. These treatments are great for both men and women, as well as teenagers or early adults dealing with acne.
People try to get the most drastic change in the shortest possible time. Plastic surgery, Botox, and fillers have all become the norm and are indeed quick fixes. However we have all learned that quick fixes often do not give us the results or expectations we were hoping for.
- Botox injections paralyze the muscle by blocking signals from your nerves to your muscles. Botox is a drug made from a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It’s the same toxin that causes a life-threatening type of food poisoning called botulism. Botox treatments last a 6-12 months
- Filler or an injectable analog of hyaluronic acid is injected into the skin to smooth out wrinkles or fill in lines. This is not the same type of hyaluronic acid that is found naturally in the skin. This type has a different molecular makeup, to the point it actually should not be called hyaluronic acid, and it doesn’t always break down naturally. Fillers can break down normally but, since it has essentially stopped or restricted that muscle from being used, the same rebound effect can occur as with botox and the area is worse off than pre-filler. If the filler doesn’t break down properly it can migrates to another area of the face. This is especially true for those who get filler near their eyes and crow’s feet. Instead of breaking down, the filler moves under the eyes and settles like nodules. At this point, their only options to remove them are surgery or microneedling/cosmetic acupuncture
- Surgery is the longest-lasting option however it often has a much longer recovery time, is expensive and has many side effects.
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It is possible that the face may become pink to red for 12-48 hours, however not everyone becomes red
The pain is very minimal to none. Even sensitive people tend not to have a problem with the microneedling. If it is too much we also have a topical numbing agent available.
Avoid retinol and vitamin C (acidic) products 48 hours before and after the microneedling treatment.
No makeup for 24 hours after the treatment.
No sauna, working out, (sweating) 12 hours after treatment.
Avoid sun exposure for 48 hours after treatment and wear facial sunscreen for the following week
It is not uncommon for a little blood to be present. Needling to the depth that bleeding occurs throughout the face or there is bruising is completely unnecessary. Bruising and significant bleeding are signs that the needling was likely too deep.
Microneedling can help with active acne and acne scars, pigmentations, wrinkles, fine lines, resurfacing, and tightening the skin of chin and neck. Nanoneedling provides the same results but at a much slower rate.
People going through autoimmune therapies or immunosuppressive therapies should wait until they are no longer going through said therapy as microneedling does cause small wounds. People with severe active psoriasis, eczema, and acne should also not receive microneedling.
It is recommended that treatments occur once a month for 3-9 months, depending on the age and condition of the skin. After the initial series of treatments the time between microneedling sessions can be spaced out to 2-6 times a year
Nanoneedling can be utilized as frequently as weekly. Because we are not penetrating past the top layer of skin, the turn over for healing is quite rapid. It is recommended to use nanoneeling in between microneedling treatments to achieve results faster.
Microneedling penetrates the dermis to stimulate healing, while nanoneedling stays in the epidermis. Both treatments boost collagen and elastin production, but microneedling is more aggressive and requires downtime. Microneedling uses numbing cream, while nanoneedling is painless.